To display the Verse numbers on the slide, check this box. Or un-check that box to disable that feature for Scriptures. You can also remove any words you don’t want auto capitalized. If you want to Automatically Capitalize certain words, you can by checking the last box on this page and enter those words in the displayed list. Capitalize All Words and Capitalize The First Word Of Each Line will do just as it says. If this is checked, EasyWorship will wrap any lines of text that are too long to fit on the slide horizontally without shrinking it. Under Formatting is the option to set Word Wrapping. If this box is unchecked, there is a possibility of having different sized text from one slide to the next in that group of slides.
This means that if you add multiple verses as a group to the schedule or go live to a group of verses together, EasyWorship will keep the text size the same on all slides. If you use the Auto Sizing, you can also select to Normalize The Text Size Across Slides. On the Format tab, choose whether you want to use the default Auto Sizing option which is Resize Text To Fit Element, or if you want to use Do Not Auto Size Text and use a font Point Size.